Compound Driver

Similar to the Compound Mutator, a Compound Driver joins and sequentially calls a set of Driver and AbstractMutator instances, as well as custom sampling functions (the only difference to a CompoundMutator is the addition of Driver instances as callable objects).

CompoundDriver(drivers::Vector{Union{Function, AbstractMutator, Driver}}; [p::Float64 = 1.0])

A CompoundDriver Driver instance. As such, this object is callable as a functor with the following signature:


A CompoundDriver Driver groups several Driver, AbstractMutator and custom functions, calling each of the components sequentially. Does not sync! changes, this task is left to each individual Driver or AbstractMutator instance. p defines the probability of running this CompoundDriver when called (From 0.0 to 1.0).


In contrast with CompoundMutator, this Driver does not accept an AbstractSelection modifier. This may change in future versions of ProtoSyn.


julia> ProtoSyn.Drivers.CompoundDriver([monte_carlo, monte_carlo])
⚒  CompoundDriver Driver (2 elements) (p: 1.0):
 ├── ⚒  Monte Carlo Driver:
 |    ├──  ●  Evaluator:
 |    |    └── 🗲  Energy Function (4 components):
 |    |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    |        | Index | Component name                                | Weight (α)   |
 |    |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    |        | 1     | TorchANI_ML_Model                             |      1.000   |
 |    |        | 2     | Caterpillar_Solvation                         |      0.010   |
 |    |        | 3     | Bond_Distance_Restraint                       |      1.000   |
 |    |        | 4     | Cα-Cα_Clash_Restraint                         |    100.000   |
 |    |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    |   
 |    ├──  ● Sampler:
 |    |    └── ⚯  Dihedral Mutator:
 |    |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    |        | Index | Field                       | Value                          |
 |    |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    |        | 1     | angle_sampler               | Function randn                 |
 |    |        | 2     | p_mut                       | 0.0100                         |
 |    |        | 3     | step_size                   | 0.5000                         |
 |    |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    |         ● Selection: Set
 |    |         └── FieldSelection › = r"C|N"
 |    |   
 |    ├──  ○  Callback: Not set
 |    |   
 |    └──  ● Settings:
 |          Max steps: 10
 |        Temperature: linear_quench
 └── ⚒  Monte Carlo Driver:
      ├──  ●  Evaluator:
      |    └── 🗲  Energy Function (4 components):
      |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |        | Index | Component name                                | Weight (α)   |
      |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |        | 1     | TorchANI_ML_Model                             |      1.000   |
      |        | 2     | Caterpillar_Solvation                         |      0.010   |
      |        | 3     | Bond_Distance_Restraint                       |      1.000   |
      |        | 4     | Cα-Cα_Clash_Restraint                         |    100.000   |
      |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      ├──  ● Sampler:
      |    └── ⚯  Dihedral Mutator:
      |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |        | Index | Field                       | Value                          |
      |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |        | 1     | angle_sampler               | Function randn                 |
      |        | 2     | p_mut                       | 0.0100                         |
      |        | 3     | step_size                   | 0.5000                         |
      |        +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      |         ● Selection: Set
      |         └── FieldSelection › = r"C|N"
      ├──  ○  Callback: Not set
      └──  ● Settings:
            Max steps: 10
          Temperature: linear_quench